Archive for December 15, 2009

I’m dark and brooding… Also Suikoden rocks

There comes a time in every boy’s life where they start to rage out against the man and “Establishment”. Often times they goto music to seek solace and hope that they will be accepted for the kind of stuff they listened to.

Me? I went through that phase and instead of following the trend of listening to Cobain, I went the route of Primus, Rage Against the Machine and anything off of This kind of gave me a good balance amongst the music perspective and overall made me a better person.

Now what the hell does this have to do with anything? Well I’m raging here. Emo music has begun to take control of the angst filled people out there, making them self-loathing sacks of depression and anger. So what’s the cure for that? They result in playing cutter because the music makes them “so depressed” that they “no longer want to live” which is a crock of bullshit.

Funny story, angst filled girl in my high school, decides that emo music is her life. She dresses in black, gets black make-up and his piercings all over her body. Hmm… doesn’t this sound the least bit familiar? Call her goth and she’ll “assault you with interperative dance” or rather, she’ll mind f***you. Or maybe she’ll just cut herself and say “the pain is love”. Sorry, not that funny of a story, but true ones don’t get the laughs they deserve.

This brings me to my main point. What the hell is wrong with people to think that to off themselves is the best thing to do in their lives? That’s simply idiotic. It’s like saying my glass is full, but I’ll hit it with a hammer because I didn’t want water but I wanted soda. Is life that bad that you want yourself gone? Okay, how about this then, you “assassinate” yourself, and we get some homeless or poor child to move in your place, because if you don’t want to live your life then I’m sure they’ll take it because they have so much less then you.

Seriously, emo people you piss me way the f*** off. What’s next, go with a classic hiri-kiri in the parking lot? Wait, Bob Barker already said that? Whoops! Don’t want to get sued.

One thing I’ve been up to lately was playing Suikoden on my PSP. Now I’m sure everyone has had that rage where Suikoden II is so freaking expensive that you have to whack the owner and steal it. Well… not exactly….

Anyways I’ve been addicted to it again because it brings back fantastic memories of my youth and playing that game, but something isn’t right. No, when I play this I find myself analyzing the be-jesus out of it. Seriously, this game feels only half-finished. Follow me here:

A) The story isn’t done. Now Normally I’d say that the story is perfect, but I just completed it and it feels like there could be so much more said about the story. Main point, the emperor is made out to be a benevolent being all through out who has been corrupted by the dark witch Windy. Well, yeah. That makes sense, Golbez from Final Fantasy IV was being controlled by Zemus and Revolver Ocelot was being possessed by Liquid Snakes Right Arm… well not really but, that would have been cooler… making it seem that you have to fight the witch to free the emperor and restore peace to the land. No, not Suikoden… instead the emperor is meant to die, because… wait for it… SUIKODEN IS A ROMANCE NOVEL. Every aspect of it is a romance story with magic and elves.  The Emperor loves Windy, Windy loves power, The hero loves peace and Gremio loves stew. Simply put every scene you are supposed to put Fabio in it and add some moments so the girls out there will get all giggly. When Odessa dies, Flik is heart broken, blah blah blah, so he kills people and is angry… Romance Material? I suppose so, only because I’ve never read any romance novels, unless you count Wizard and Glass. Oh and the Emperor kills himself and Windy… there I might have saved you time or ruined your day.

B) The Combat system is promising, and when you have the unite system rocking it’s great. Provides the player with a seemingly endless possibilities of parties, but when you find out you can have different magic users unite with their best attacks, you will undoubted pee your pants with awesomeness. Yet, to find out which ones work is like hell in a hand basket.  Basic ones like Fire and wind, Electricity and Wind, Earth and Fire, Wind and Water almost always work, but in the game it’s said you can combine three of them together to “Break the heavens”… I’ve tried every f****** possibility and NONE OF THEM WORK. It’s teasing you by saying it works, but when you try it and waste your time, it doesn’t. If anyone can figure this one out tell me…. please…

C) That damn staircase in the great forest. So apparently there is a rumor saying in the Japanese version that you had to fight the shop owner or something and there was a grandma monster thing or something in the ceiling like the limbless Producer from Audition. Thing is, there is no clear answer and it’s obvious that it was meant for something, the makers just said no and either didn’t complete it or left it out. I’m sorely disappointed.

Overall I’m not going to complain about the game because it’s an awesome series regardless.

I’m still working on Day Dreamin’ Davey Let’s slay along with my Pog Review… I’m just over worked with school so bare with me people…